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User:IJzeren Jan

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This user is no longer very active on Wikipedia.

nlDeze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
pl-4Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim prawie jak językiem ojczystym.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
isv-3Tutoj upotrěbitelj posluživaje se medžuslovjanskym na vysokom uravnju.
Тутој употрєбитељ послуживаје се меджусловјанскым на высоком уравњу.
Wdk-3Ił wcielzatórz pocie kotrzybytar en lęgwie wenedczej sur niwiół owęcaty i przeście włydy.
de-3Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
fr-2Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.
la-2Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
ru-2Этот участник неплохо знает русский язык.
af-2Hierdie gebruiker het 'n gemiddelde begrip van Afrikaans.
pap-2 This user is able to communicate with parrots on a moderate level.
vo-2At pösod zenodiko pükon Volapüki.
uk-1Користувач може робити внесок українською мовою на початковому рівні.
grc-1Ὅδε ὁ χρήστης δύναται συμβάλλεσθαι ὀλίγῃ γνώσει τῆς ἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς.
...This user would like to be able to speak some more languages.
Conlang WikiProject
This user is a member of WikiProject Constructed languages.
This user is a member of the
Ill Bethisad Project
This user has created a global account. IJzeren Jan's main account is on Wikipedia (in Dutch).
Free political prisoners!

Subpage: User:IJzeren Jan/List Of Conlang-Related Articles


I'm not a person who likes talking about himself, so I will limit myself to the necessary. My real name is Jan van Steenbergen, I was born on June 3, 1970 (on the same day when Hjalmar Schacht died), and I live in Zaandam, near Amsterdam. Educated as a specialist on Eastern Europe, mainly Poland, I've worked as a journalist, as a translator, and (currently) as a software engineer in a bank. My main interests are: Poland and Ukraine; language, particularly constructed languages; Classical music; history. I am mostly active in the Dutch Wikipedia, under user name IJzeren Jan. Here I will probably mostly be dealing with interwiki links, and perhaps small modifications of existing articles. Also, I might dig up interesting stuff to translate into Dutch or Polish.

My user name, IJzeren Jan literally means Iron Jan. How so? Well, during my student years I used to play computer games from time to time, and "IJzeren Jan" was one of my favourite nicknames I used in highscores. Later I almost automatically used it in my e-mail address, and now as my Wikipedia user name. Only much later I learnt that IJzeren Jan was also the nickname of my famous countryman Jan Pieterszoon Coen, who also happens to be the symbol of my native town Hoorn.

I am the author of several constructed languages, two of which, Wenedyk and Interslavic, are listed in the English wiki. More about this and other things can be found on my home page, http://steen.free.fr/ .

Best regards,


Portal:Constructed languages
Today's language
The word quenya written in Tengwar
The word quenya written in Tengwar

Quenya (pronounced [ˈkʷwɛnja] is a fictional language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien and used by the Elves in his legendarium. Tolkien began devising the language around 1910 and restructured the grammar several times until Quenya reached its final state. The vocabulary remained relatively stable throughout the creation process. Also, the name of the language was repeatedly changed by Tolkien from Elfin and Qenya to the eventual Quenya. The Finnish language had been a major source of inspiration, but Tolkien was also familiar with Latin, Greek, and ancient Germanic languages when he began constructing Quenya.

Another notable feature of Tolkien's Elvish languages was his development of a complex internal history of characters to speak those tongues in their own fictional universe. He felt that his languages changed and developed over time, as with the historical languages which he studied professionally—not in a vacuum, but as a result of the migrations and interactions of the peoples who spoke them. Within Tolkien's legendarium, Quenya is one of the many Elvish languages spoken by the immortal Elves, called Quendi ('speakers') in Quenya. Quenya translates as simply "language" or, in contrast to other tongues that the Elves met later in their long history, "elf-language". After the Elves divided, Quenya originated as the speech of two clans of "High Elves" or Eldar, the Noldor and the Vanyar, who left Middle-earth to live in Eldamar ("Elvenhome"), in Valinor, the land of the immortal and God-like Valar. Of these two groups of Elves, the Noldor returned to Middle-earth where they met the Sindarin-speaking Grey-elves. The Noldor eventually adopted Sindarin and used Quenya primarily as a ritual or poetic language, whereas the Vanyar who stayed behind in Eldamar retained the use of Quenya. Find out more...