User:Viktor Pravilov
Phaestos Disk! As against existing decodings the text, safely I declare, that on - Phaestos Disk - the text - is not present !!!. What is -?. Rising of sea level - as a result of the begun warming a climate 16 000 years ago and the flooding which have created threat of a land in the unknown sizes , "has pushed" the author of a disk to leave memory of the world in which it lived and to write the letter to the future generations of people - with the description of a life of people of his period ! . And that it was clear to the future population of the ground, without dependence from a spoken language, by him has been thought up - "language": the semantic maintenance - a silhouette of the form - subjects, animal, plants and etc.. That is that "language" ("writing") which started to be fulfilled by the person in an extreme antiquity , since figures on rocks , in caves , etc. And charm of his letter consists that the author of a disk has managed not only to unit all existing ways "silhouette" letters for that period , but also has managed to find - the form of the letter - adequate to his purpose . Namely the form of a mollusc and his bowl - Nautiliusa Pompiliusa !!! . Having taken advantage : a silhouette of his bowl - silhouettes of the central sectors of the parties of a disk ; an internal structure of a bowl , with sectors - a spiral pattern with sectors - the parties of a disk ; a principle of a life of the mollusc - promotion from a bowl for a life and returning in a bowl for rest and etc.. Author Phaestos Disk managed to display a life of our planet , switching : the sky , the ground , the underwater world , etc. ... . With the account of that a disk ! - too a sign ; a line with points ! at the end of a spiral - too a sign , etc. ... . More detailed description - Secrets - Phaestos Disk , web: Respect - Viktor Pravilov.