Talk:Asymmetrical relationship
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Perhaps what is intended is similar to what mathematicians call an asymmetric binary relation. If that meaning is intended, then "asymmetric" rather than "asymmetical" and "relation" rather than "relationship" are standard. Given the reference to "acyclic graphs" in the article on "hierarchy", and the fact that this article looks as if it was created in order to link to that, it looks as if the author may have intended something like that.
I wonder how a "hierarchy" as defined on that page differs from a poset? -- Mike Hardy
comment from article
[edit]As I said on the page talk:Hierarchial relationship, I really think these sort of pages should be deleted. The only possible use I can see for this would be the topic of asymmetric or antisymmetric relations in mathematics, but most of this is just useless generalities. -- SJK