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Well, since THIS article is about me, I guess it might as well be good... so here goes.



I'm an eighteen year-old college student in Arlington, Texas, attending the University of Texas at Arlington. At home, I have a dog, a hampster, three siblings, two parents, and more computers than I can count. I am sarcastic, I am a frequent denizen of forums, I am a 1337speeker, and I recently sold my soul to EverQuest. I used to be a cracker, but I somehow managed to avoid getting caught long enough to grow up. I like chocolate. (And pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain...) If I could figure out what I want out of life, things would be easier.

I'm Episcopalian... sort of, I drink waaaaaay too much V8 juice, I'm a listmod and a roleplayer and an occasional programmer. I'd like a pet dragon, and I've read all the Harry Potter books. The most interesting thing I've ever done is discuss philosophy/life/art/sex at 1:30 in the morning in a dorm laundry room with five strangers who are now some of my good friends. I don't think jicama tastes like turpentine anymore.

And if you actually read all that, I am SOOOO sorry for you.



My interests are Pokemon, anime, dragons, Pern, science fiction, fantasy, instant messenger, HTML, computers, MMORPGs, painting, and being my chaotic neutral self.

Comments of the Day


"How could you forget about a bottomless pit?"